What’s in a name 1?

St. Francis was a rebuilder of churches…

“A few days after this, while he was walking near the church of San Damiano, an inner voice bade him go in and pray. He obeyed, and kneeling before an image of the crucified Savior, he began to pray most devoutly. A tender, compassionate voice then spoke to him: “Francis, do you not see that my house is falling into ruin? Go, and repair it for me.” Trembling and amazed Francis replied: “Gladly I will do so, O Lord.” He had understood that the Lord was speaking of that very church which, on account of its age, was indeed falling into ruin.

These words filled him with the greatest joy and inner light because in spirit he knew that it was indeed Jesus Christ who had spoken to him. On leaving the church he found the priest who had charge of it sitting outside, and taking a handful of money from his purse, he said: “I beg you, Sir, to buy oil and keep the lamp before this image of Christ constantly alight. When this is spent I will give you as much as you need.” (Legend of the Three Companions: Chapter three, 13. From: Francis of Assisi – The Founder: Early Documents, vol. 2 (Francis of Assisi: Early Documents) Ed. by Regis J. Armstrong. New City Press 2000)

Photo: The Cross which hung in San Damiano and spoke to St. Francis, but which now hangs in the Basilica of St. Clare.


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