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Category: 6th century

Bridge over Tryggevælde river. By I. C. Dahl 18th century. © Statens Museum for Kunst. Source: Wikipedia

Stevns – Home of Hrodgar and Heorot?

Stevns is a peninsula in South Eastern Zeeland in Denmark. Flat, although it raises towards the east, where it breaks into the sea in the form of high cliffs, it has recently been suggested as the location for Heorot, the hall of Hrodgar, and the home of Grendel. What did it look like in the 6th to 10th century?

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S-brooches from Longobard Cemetery in Northern Italy. Source: Pinterest

The Genetics of Longobard-Era Migrations

For some time an international and interdisciplinary group of archaeologists, scientists, and historians have worked to uncover the minutiae of the Longobard invasion of Italy in AD 568. Genetic explorations are shedding extremely important new light on the linkage between genetics and cultural profiles.

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Bagby performing Beowulf at Ozawa Hall 2018 © Hilary Scott

How to perform Beowulf?

 When the famous Nobel Prize winner, Seamus Heayney, took upon himself to translate Beowulf, he also made the poem a fashionable part of the medieval circuit. The wider question raised in a new book is what it takes to "perform beowulf"?

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