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Category: 6th century

Bishop Braulio and isidore of Seville from: Meister des Codex 167, Kloster Einsideln. Source: Wikipedia

Isidore of Seville

Isidore of Seville was a renowned scholar, theologian, and archbishop who lived in Visigothic Iberia from around AD 560 to 636. He had a profound influence on education and scholarship in Medieval Europe.

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The great Hall and the Temple at Uppåkra © Lunds Universitet

Who Visited Iron Age Uppåkra in AD 463?

Outside Lund, lies the remains of a unique Iron Age settlement, Uppåkra. Known for it rich archaeological finds, much more remains to be revealed. With the help of new scientific methods, more elusive remains, such as DNA, viruses, and bacteria are expected to come to light for the first time.

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Pictorial Stone from the Church in Bro, Gotland c. 400 - 500. Source: Flickr

Beowulf dated to AD 550

When was Beowulf composed? In the 10th and 11th centuries as the Toronto School decided in a postmodern whiff? Around AD 700 as linguistic studies have proven? Or as an oral epos, around AD 550, and in Gotland as suggested in a new book?

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